Wednesday, June 29, 2011

There is Good in Everything Bad

It's Monday morning. You wake up and its pouring outside. Instantly your mood changes, you think to yourself what a gloomy day it is indeed. You get dressed quickly and hop into the car only to be stuck in traffic because of the horrible weather conditions. You're late for work. Strange enough, that report that you turned in gets approval from your boss and awaits you on your desk. As you sit down to look at it, the phone rings. It's you're boss. He's pleased with the report. You can now go ahead with your project. Gloomy day? Late? Oh right! you happened to forget that this was going to be your worst day ever. Nasty weather plus Monday blues? The bad weather was actually a huge blessing. It  allowed your boss to ease off a bit on your work load and make your life a bit easier. Who knew, had it been a sunny Friday morning he might have way too much energy to put into the report and find a million more problems with it.

Many situations we encounter unfold the same way. There are going to be countless situations we wished never happened. From everything bad there is always something good that comes out of it. I don't really believe that people change. I believe over time their attitude towards others does. Working and dealing with difficult people is indeed an added burden to deal with. The good that we must try to find is the the lesson it teaches us about tolerance and strength. It takes a strong person to overcome adversity. Are you going to emerge a stronger person or will you sink under pressure. It is way easier said than done but essentially it tests our patience and resilience. We might even be surprised to see how empowered we become knowing that we've fought those battles internally.

Difficult situations are there like traffic lights in our lives. We're not always going to get the green light. We may have to wait patiently for the red to turn to green and along the way we many need to slow down when we get a little worked up. When we do get the green light we speedily take off. In most cases we forget about all the red lights in our way. The red lights were there for a reason. They have to be there. Everything has a process, a sequence. In the bigger scheme of things patience gets us the furthest.

There is negative and bad for a reason. We need it. It enables us to search within ourselves for courage and make us more determined to overcome these obstacles. We gain enormous strength. No individual has too much of anything .We certainly can never have enough strength hence we will always have these situations to deal with. Looking at the good that will come out of it is what counts. The bad is insignificant. It doesn't make us progress. We leave that behind and focus on our outcome. Our bright green light!!

 This song is about overcoming adversity and getting what we want out of life despite our pitfalls. Who doesn't want to see ALL OF THE LIGHTS?

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