Saturday, July 2, 2011

Creativity is The Spice of Life

You've heard of diversity as being the spice of life. Here is my spin to it. Like diversity, creativity involves different elements. Some elements are known to us others are unknown. Unknown in the sense that it has never been contrived. It's completely new, radical and innovative. Albert Einstein one said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." This makes absolute sense. While one may have the knowledge and expertise in a particular area what use is their intelligence if they haven't got innovative ideas to enhance their concepts. They then become monotonous and dull.

Author John C.Maxwell highlights in his book How Successful People Think, the importance of creative thinking. He mentions that one of the benefits from creative thinking is the value it adds to everything. He says"Creativity is being able to see what everybody else has seen and think what nobody else has thought so that you can do what nobody else has done."

Just think about how a simple concept as Facebook, intended for college students to network has now changed we look at the word 'social networking'. It almost makes the term look as though  it could have been coined by networks such as  Facebook or Twitter. The innovation of a college student with a concept that wasn't the first to be thought of but was the first to be executed in such as, format led him to being one of the youngest most successful entrepreneurs today.

Who knew if some twenty odd years ago someone was thinking of a similar concept. Today someone has actually gone ahead and made than concept a reality. This certainly doesn't mean that Mark Zuckerberg is a prodigy of any sort. He is one individual whose creativity gave him the foresight to develop such a network that could be used to connect people across the globe.

There is a myth that people are 'born' creative. Creativity isn't always something inherent in individuals. It can also be developed. We are all blessed with the ability to imagine. As adults we seldom utilize our creativity like we used to as children where we created our  own make believe world. Remember when you would 'pretend' to be your favorite star or 'imagine' you were in a particular place. You never thought of yourself as being silly. Being creative was fun, exciting and enchanting. The same applies for your creative ideas that you share in your adulthood. Make them as thrilling as you did when you were a child. Show the same amount of zeal and wonder in getting them off the ground.

It's been said that the most successful  people never planned to be they just kept doing what they were good at and the rest just happened. Keep doing whatever you are great at. Let your creativity take control. After all there is no telling where your idea may end up!
This video takes creativity to another level. Who knew using an 'x-ray' effect to morph different images could add a deeper meaning to the video as it relates to rebirth.

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